
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Liebster Award

Over the weekend I found out I was given a Liebster award by Jane of Buzzmills. I'm so honored! A Liebster Award is an award that goes to bloggers with up and coming small blogs, and less than 200 followers.  Now in the spirit of this award it is my turn to do the following: 

1.  Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog.
2.  Choose 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers and pass the award on to them.
3.  Display the Liebster Award somewhere on your blog

Here are my top five favorites:
Erin of Feather+ Anchor writes from her old hunting cabin in Canada. She's an amazing writer and talks honestly about her life as a stay at home mama, frugal living, and conscious being. 

Cyndi's blog is full of amazing photo stories. She writes with pictures. She makes the everyday things beautiful! You have to check out her blog! 

Brooke writes at Barefoot Five. She is amazingly poetic and fills her space with words of wisdom and wonderful pictures!  
Mothering with Mindfulness
 Kim is stay at home mama who writes about her days with her son, craftiness, gardening, reading and yummy vegan cooking! She's also a holistic nutritionist for mamas and babies. 

Little Coffee Beans 
Lisa writes from her home in southern Colorado.  Her days are filled navigating the wilds of toddler-hood with her daughter. She shares her stories gardening, sewing, crafting cooking and number of lovely things! 
Congratulations to these wonderful mama bloggers!!


  1. Awe, thanks so much KC, appreciate the award :)

  2. Well isn't this a sweet thing to wake up to this morning! Thanks KC! ox And now do I follow steps 1-3, too?

  3. ooo, love checking out these new to me blogs!!

  4. Fun, congrats! Heading over to read some new blogs while my babe sleeps for a few...
