
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The sweetest day

Today we really rocked the family rhythm. It was such a sweet day it might as well have been coated in honey, well it was a little from this raw vegan torte that I made for our weekly dessert. We started the day with a hike. Living right next to the mountains we have a few trails really close by. So I got everyone ready to go and out the door by 8 am because any later then that and it would be way to hot here.

The hike was really lovely, kid friendly too. We're trying to get the girls accustomed to going out on trails so that we can work towards longer hikes and eventually overnight back packing trips.  In two weeks in fact we'll be going camping for the first time with Viola. I'm am really excited for that.

We came home for lunch and grilled some local grass-fed beef for burgers. We ate outside and listened to birds sing with a nice breeze blowing. Then the girls wanted to play with water so I filled our little wading pool and they cooled off for who know how long, we spent the day without clocks or screens. Our lovely day was interluded with a two hour nap for all members of the family! Such a rare occasion I had to blog about it.

Everything about today was easy, even the occasional tantrum was easily dealt with. I even managed to get dishes done and some laundry washed and hung out to dry. Oh if only I had taken pictures of the laundry and dishes. You all would laugh! I actually ran out of plates in the cupboard.

Sweet days like these make up for the ones that make you question why you became a parent. Days like these are why I became a parent!


  1. Sounds perfect!! And you are so right, days like these are the absolute best. So happy you enjoyed it.

    1. I think you had one of those at that amazing market!

  2. Looks like a wonderful day, rockin' that family rhythm! Love.

  3. what a beautiful day! all that fresh air and good food tired everyone out, have to love that!

    1. it was a great feeling to look around and see all the members of my family asleep. i wish it happened more often.

  4. I love the napping that always seems to happen over a long weekend! The Kid slept for four hours on Monday, and of course, I couldn't not take advantage by having a little siesta myself!

    1. Four hours! that's like the whole day! The things I could get done in 4 hours. I'm glad you used it for napping!
