
Monday, April 23, 2012

Toddler Art Month: Marbleized paper by Kerrie of Sea Kettle Diaries

Today I've got a really fun older toddler activity for you, marbleized paper! This tutorial is bought to you by a lovely guest poster Kerrie of Sea Kettle Diaries. Please check out her blog when you are done here! 

Hi Homestead readers! I’m Kerrie and I blog over at SeaKettle Diaries about life as a teacher, artist, wife and new mom.  Here I am, with my little sidekick, Levi...

Even though my little guy is a too young for this particular project, I wanted to share it anyway, since it is one of my all time favorite art activities.  I'd recommend doing this with older preschoolers, although there are lots of different steps that you could modify depending on the age and ability of your kids. 

What you’ll need:

shaving cream (the white and foamy stuff, not gel)
paper plates
a medium-sized paintbrush
a cup of water
a kitty helper (optional, of course) :)

1.    First, fill a paper plate with shaving cream about an inch high.

2.   Use a small piece of cardboard to smooth out the surface.

3.   Add a good amount of water to your watercolors (more the better!) and gently paint on your shaving cream.  I tell kids to try to "drop" the paint on the shaving cream rather than to "paint" it (you could also use droppers to literally drop the paint if you think that would be easier).  The idea is that you don't want lots of indents in your shaving cream.  I usually encourage kids to make different colored stripes, but as long as there are different colors next to each other, they can paint it any way they’d like. 

4.   Now for the fun part..time to swirl! Use the back of your paintbrush, stick it in the shaving cream and swirl it around any way you want, back and forth each way or around in a circle.  It's just important not to over-do the swirling, if you want to keep the marbleized effect.

5.    Next, place a piece of paper on top of the shaving cream and rub it gently.

6. Pull up the paper and scrape off the shaving cream with a piece of cardboard. Ta-da! Kids love seeing the "magic" at the end.

You know your kids are going to want to do this over and over again, so you’re probably going to end up with a big stack of beautiful marbleized paper and lots of possibilities!  You can use them for books/journal covers,  greeting cards,  draw on them or just frame them as is.  Anyone have any other great suggestions? Leave a comment, I’d love to hear them!

Thank you,  Kathryn, for inviting me to share this little art experience with you and your readers!


  1. Love this!! Actually saw something similar last week and can't wait to try it with my little guy.

    I think it would make great wrapping paper too!

    Thanks for a great guest post KC! This toddler art month has been awesome.

    1. yes, it would make great wrapping paper! awesome idea. :)

  2. Thank you! I haven't tried it yet as we don't have shaving cream at our house but I love it!.

    This art month has been fun! I look forward to doing it again.

  3. So I tried this. With a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I couldn't get the watercolors to work, so I said, "Hey, why not food coloring?" We have some cool pictures but kids are pink and purple now. Next time I am going to try tempura paints.

    1. Please let me know how that works out!

    2. sorry it didn't work for you. Some watercolor sets aren't as pigmented as could also try tempera cakes with a lot of water. Good luck!

  4. Looks awesome! We will be trying this at our house :)

  5. Hooray for another great toddler art post! I've seen this on the web and it looks fun. If only I can find some shaving cream that doesn't smell like cheap cologne.

    1. I know right! Maybe Whole Foods sells it. I never thought to look there.

  6. I did this with 2nd graders. We used circles cut out of poster board with green and blue acrylic paint . They made really cool Earths, just in time for Earth day! :)

  7. We will be making marbleized postcards at Vacation Bible School this summer. The craft instructions for the curriculum says:

    "Don't flush leftover shaving cream down the toilet or wash it down the sink. Instead, throw the shaving cream into the garbage."

    What are your thoughts on this? Is there anything environmentally damaging in shaving cream?

    1. I haven't thought much about it as we don't use shaving cream in our house. I would assume that it might not be good for a septic tank if you are at a camp that doesn't have normal city plumbing. I would think a simple google search would bring up an answer. I found this actually :

      Traditional Shaving cream is pretty toxic apparently. You might think about getting a natural brand.

  8. Levi will be there before you know it! I love this!
