This my urban homesteading, baby wearing, make it from scratch, kind of hippie, a whole lot of green kind of blog.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
On setting boundaries
This past weekend I had a very long talk with a wonderful mother and friend, whom I shall call my sister in-law. I like to go to her when I need parenting help as she has two girls as well who are older then mine so she knows already how this thing works itself out. We talked about all the behavioral issues Sofia has that were bothering me. What I realized while talking to her is that I have so much to learn. I learned a lot about my own weakness as a parent and where I can change to help Sofia change.
Two hours of talking boiled down to this: set boundaries and follow through with them. Now I know all the parenting books say this and I've heard it here and there from friends, but for some reason I must not have been open to the fact. For three days now I have been doing it and it's changed dramatically the way I handle situations. I openly admitted my fear of forever ruining her by allowing to have tantrums. It's okay to have tantrums even I have tantrums sometimes. They might not be as powerful as hers or outwardly expressive, but I have them too.
Since we moved into this house Sofia became very whiny. After Viola was born that escalated into immediate tantrums as well as lashing out at Viola in very violent ways sometimes. We reacted by giving her more space, more chances and choices. This was in fact wrong on our part and I see that now. Luckily it's not too late to fix it. By giving her a choice of two options you already find acceptable she has the option to choose between those. From those comes the boundary. It's really very eye opening to see how freeing boundaries are for children. Simply by telling Sofia this is the rule in our house, this is how we do this, she is a happier kid. Let me give you an example: I tell her, "we don't kick viola because it hurts her." you can choose to play nicely with her and stay or you can choose to leave the room. This second option is usually the one she really doesn't want because separation from me is torture for her. This simple change in wording has resulted in almost hurt-free days. I've found myself a much calmer person when a situation arises that would have otherwise made me very angry. In a sense I have set boundaries for myself as well. Before I was leaving the situation open, and even I didn't know what the end would be. I can see once we are really used to this new way of communicating that the respectful connection that I tried before will really begin to work. My thoughts on this topic are still bubbling to the surface as this has been a year and half long issue. And I suppose that really as parents it was our issue and not Sofia's. Through her we are learning to be better communicators, better parents and better people.
Oh, KC I'm glad you're finding peace and resolution with this. It can be so heart wrenching. We're big fans of the two choice route and have been doing it since Zinnia could communicate through pointing, etc. Starting out small with blue socks or white socks and now that she's maturing we're offering choices like sunscreen or long pants? sit at the table to snack or on the floor? A big one lately has been getting her in the car seat. She wants to do it. But it takes longer, of course. So I give her a count of three to sit on her booty then Mama will help. She'll scramble to get there without my help and she's proud of her efforts. We've been using the count of three in other ways too. If she's having trouble making a choice or she's not moving with reasonable toddler timing I tell her that she can do it or I'll count to three and Mama will come help. I've only ever heard the count to three used in punishments or loss of privileges but this way there's still a reasonable time and chance to make the choices and there's no punishment. It's weither you do it yourself or Mama will come help (no nasty tone, just Mama's happy to help you do it). It's working beautifully! Even though it can be tiring on my sometimes impatient self, I feel that these choices empower her and make her feel like she really does have a choice, and a voice. I know our dynamics will change once this babe is born. Hoping these little foundations help us through the transition. Good luck to you Mama. ox
ReplyDeleteLove framing the count as a choice...unfortunately a kind "Mama's happy to help" can be easily viewed as a punishment by my willful, independent oldest. A gentle offer for help can lead to temper tantrums as quick as anything. Maybe something like that would work for my 20-month-old once his independence gets more challenging.
DeleteInteresting. How old is your oldest? So far this is working really well with my 26 month old. But, as with anything it seems that we're all in flux and what works one day may not the next.
DeleteI really like that just the option of having to leave the room will deter her from doing that action. We've also come to an agreement that if Viola is coming to close to Sofia when she is doing something important to her like Montessori activities or coloring, then she will say "help me mama" to let me know that V is to close. Then I can redirect V and S doesn't have to worry about her and no anger occurs.
DeleteParenting is hard sometimes, isn't it? So happy to hear you are finding your way through this struggle. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteHarder then I actually realized. Especially when you get past the baby stage and you have to start helping a little person learn to navigate society. I wished we all could live in a community together and swap skills and learn and watch from one another. It's times like these where I really don't like living hundreds of miles from family.
DeleteKC, we give them same option stay and be nice or go play somewhere else when it comes to physical hurting. That is the only thing around here that has a real no tolerance policy - no chances, just off you go until you are ready to look right in the other person's face and apologize. Otherwise, we do lots of warnings. But no matter what, the rules are the rules. Best of luck while you work through this - transitions are never easy on anyone.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I was just thinking about a post I wrote a long time ago about a special spot we made for Evan to go to when he needs to get away and be by himself. Here's the link in case you are interested:
I left a comment on your blog!
DeleteThanks for sharing this - it really is so hard to find the right balance with everything - setting limits, letting them know we are there but also letting them find their own way (even through tantrums!) We are in the same place with one of our children here too - this is a great reminder to stick with those boundaries!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it could be of help. I know I needed it. And I needed to write this down too! That way if I forget for some reason I can come back to it.
DeleteOh, this is so where my head is at right now. My Silas is 16 months and we're just starting to experience some anger issues when things don't go his way (when he wants someone else's toy, for example). I'm struggling to find ways to neutralize the situation without being punitive. This parenting stuff is hard!
ReplyDeleteParenting really is so much harder then I had imagined. Helping someone become a functioning member of society it such a huge task. And the thought of my actions now affecting how she turns out as an adult is a little like trying to understand how far way Saturn is on foot. IT really is a day to day learning experience and one which no expert can really know the answer too. That's why I find blogs so much more helpful then books. Real mamas talking about real issues not text book stuff.
DeleteTry using the two options thing and see what happens. Like to today I said to S when she tried to kick V, " you can stay here and read nicely with us or you can go sit for a while in your room". She choose to go and sit in her room and read for a while. After almost a week it's really begging to show some return. The first day was a little iffy but now it's going well.
Hang in there mama!
setting limited options has worked good for us with tanner as well! this is a great post to share with other mamas!
ReplyDeleteThanks! That's the best thing I could hear. That's why I share my experience because I feel when I read others experience I can relate to them more then books by PHD's.
DeleteI'm late to the conversation, we were on vacation....but yes, this parenting gig is hard! I sometimes get overwhelmed at the task. It seems like you're a little bit on this path already, but I would strongly suggest you check out some Love & Logic books or CDs. We were in a bit of an ugly stage with my boys 2 years ago and my husband and I took a class from a guy here in town and it seriously changed our life! The tone in the house changed immediately, and 99% of it was because I changed my attitude and the way that I respond to situations. It was incredibly empowering, and I now feel that I am actually (mostly) being the kind of parent that I want to be--one that guides rather than dictates, and one who lets their kids deal with the natural consequenses of their actions. I think it changed a lot for my kids too--they feel empowered to make their own choices and have been given much more responsibility and opportunity than before...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out! I really want harmony in this house. Not all the time, but most of it, :)