
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Garden Update

I love to do garden updates every once and a while because it's so fun to see how fast plants grow. You go from these tiny little seedlings under grow lights to these huge green leafy things that actually make food for your to consume! It boggles the mind really.

Here is the last of the winter veggies.

 The carrots are really holding strong still as well as the chard. We also pulled up most of the carrots that were planted in December! We ate our way through these dragon carrots in about two days.

Viola usually plays the look out incase any quail come a calling. Or that bobcat comes back!

Here is the heirloom zucchini which I'm really looking forward to!

And those native mexican tomato plants with butternut squash in between. Yes folks it's so warm here the butternut squash is already flowering! The eggplant is doing well too. And those peas at the top, well not as prolific as I wanted but we are eating them daily.  I read that inorder to have enough peas to serve the whole family you need something like 30 vines for 4 people!

How are your gardens going? Please leave a link I would love to see them!


  1. Looking good KC! The wonder and power of a single seed is mind boggling - I agree!

    1. I put the straw down after seeing it in one of your garden posts. You should have seen our car with a bale of straw in it! Not something I would do again soon.

  2. i love year the garden will be full of it. i will be handing it to strangers on the street -- i rather like the thought of that :)

    1. I'm wishing and hoping for that!! I planted three plants in hope of zucchini out my ears.

  3. It all looks so lovely KC, it will be a few months before my garden looks like that :)

  4. Yum, yum, yum! Those dragon carrots look especially tasty.

  5. Those dragon carrots are beauties! We just plucked some baby carrots from the garden this morning, they are delicious! Gardening here is so carrots are still not fully mature, yet above ground I've got tomatoes and peppers coming on strong! Go figure...
